
(PHP 4, PECL pdflib >= 1.0.0)

PDF_continue_textOutput text in next line


bool PDF_continue_text ( resource $p , string $text )

Prints text at the next line. 성공 시 TRUE를, 실패 시 FALSE를 반환합니다.

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User Contributed Notes 5 notes

npoole at binary dot net
21 years ago
This is how I wrap text in a PDF file built from database content...

$foo = mysql_result($results,0,"foo");

$foo = wordwrap($foo,72,"|");

$Arr = explode("|",$foo);
$i = 0;
while ($Arr[$i] != "") {

Someone mentioned to me (and rightfully so) that this may be flawed if you have 2 blank lines, and then more text in the variable.  Use it for what you will though, you may find it (or an alteration of it) useful.
cbaltaci at turkisp dot com
18 years ago
Shortest way to wordwrap in pdf_continue_text. There is no problem with new lines. Thnx to GTECHNICS.com...

$text = $_POST['texfield']; ;
$lines = explode("\n",$text);
pdf_set_text_pos($pdfdoc,$x ,$y);
foreach($lines as $line){
    $foo = $line;
    $foo = wordwrap($foo,122,"|");
    $Arrx = explode("|",$foo);
    $i = 0;
    while ($Arrx[$i] != "") {
marco at elevate dot nl
21 years ago
// Replace the while loop with this foreach and empty lines
// won't be a problem.

foreach($Arr as $line) {
stephen at thelonecoder dot com
18 years ago
For wrapping text in pdf this is the method that I have been using .

It handles variable font and sizes and also variable widths on the paragraph.

= $db->row['content'];

$color = convert_hexcolor_rgbdec($color_hex);
pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'both', 'rgb', $color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']);

$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "$fontStyle", "host", 1);
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, $s);

$par1 = stripslashes($c);

$j = 0;
$n = 0;
$j < $pw && $c != "") {
$f = substr($par1, $n, 1);
$fWidth = pdf_stringwidth($pdf, "$f", 1, $s);
$j = $j + $fWidth;
$fWidth = 0;
$wrap = $n;
$lead = $s + 2;
$paragraph = wordwrap($paragraph, $wrap, "***");
$parArr = explode("***", $paragraph);

pdf_show_xy($pdf, "$parArr[0]", $x, $y);
pdf_set_leading($pdf, $lead);

$i = 1;
$parArr[$i]) {
pdf_continue_text($pdf, "$parArr[$i]");
timo dot schmid at gmail dot com
18 years ago
I found no possibility to align a Text right. So I wrote a function:

function pdf_align_right($string, $chars = 10){
$string = str_pad($string, $chars, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
// Spaces in PDF-Documents are only the Half of a Normal Letter: So we replace them with 2 Spaces
$string = preg_replace("/ /", "  ", $string);

Note that the 2nd Parameter is NOT the Lenght of the returned String because the Spaces will be replaced with 2 Spaces.
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