The MongoDB\Driver\Session class

(mongodb >=1.4.0)


The MongoDB\Driver\Session class represents a client session and is returned by MongoDB\Driver\Manager::startSession(). Commands, queries, and write operations may then be associated the session.

Sinopsisul clasei

final MongoDB\Driver\Session {
/* Constants */
const string TRANSACTION_NONE = none ;
const string TRANSACTION_STARTING = starting ;
const string TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS = in_progress ;
const string TRANSACTION_COMMITTED = committed ;
const string TRANSACTION_ABORTED = aborted ;
/* Metode */
final public abortTransaction ( ) : void
final public advanceClusterTime ( array|object $clusterTime ) : void
final public advanceOperationTime ( MongoDB\BSON\TimestampInterface $operationTime ) : void
final public commitTransaction ( ) : void
final private __construct ( )
final public endSession ( ) : void
final public getClusterTime ( ) : object|null
final public getLogicalSessionId ( ) : object
final public getOperationTime ( ) : MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp|null
final public getServer ( ) : MongoDB\Driver\Server|null
final public getTransactionOptions ( ) : array|null
final public getTransactionState ( ) : string
final public isInTransaction ( ) : bool
final public startTransaction ([ array $options ] ) : void

Constante predefinite


There is no transaction in progress.


A transaction has been started, but no operation has been sent to the server.


A transaction is in progress.


The transaction was committed.


The transaction was aborted.


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