The MongoDB\BSON\Regex class

(mongodb >=1.0.0)


BSON type for a regular expression pattern and optional » flags.

Informacja: This BSON type is mainly used when querying the database. Alternatively, the » $regex query operator may be used.

Krótki opis klasy

final MongoDB\BSON\Regex implements MongoDB\BSON\RegexInterface , MongoDB\BSON\Type , Serializable , JsonSerializable {
/* Metody */
final public __construct ( string $pattern [, string $flags = "" ] )
final public getFlags ( void ) : string
final public getPattern ( void ) : string
final public jsonSerialize ( void ) : mixed
final public serialize ( void ) : string
final public __toString ( void ) : string
final public unserialize ( string $serialized ) : void

Rejestr zmian

Wersja Opis
1.3.0 Implements MongoDB\BSON\RegexInterface.
1.2.0 Implements Serializable and JsonSerializable.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

aws dot htc at gmail dot com
7 years ago
Find names that start with "Al"

$regex = new MongoDB\BSON\Regex ( '^Al');
$cursor = $collection->find(array('name' => $regex));
//iterate through the cursor
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