
» PECL 擴充功能未包含於 PHP 中。

安裝此 PECL 擴充功能的訊息可在手冊中標題為 PECL 擴充功能安裝的一章中找到。 更多訊息如新版本,下載,原始文件,維護者訊息以及更新日誌等可以在這裡找到: » http://pecl.php.net/package/yar.

PECL 擴充功能的 DLL 目前不可用。參閱 在 Windows 上建立章節。

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

liubinn_208391 at qq dot com
10 years ago
Yar Concurrent Client doesn't work on Mac OS.  It is because the cURL shipped with Mac has some difference.

you can resolve that by install a new cURL, like (brew install curl).

then use :
"export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path-to-new-curl/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"

make the PHP use the new cURL.

of course you can also re-compile your PHP with --with-curl=/path-to-new-curl/
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