
這些函式的行為受 php.ini 的影響。

Yaml 設定選項
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yaml.decode_binary 0 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.decode_timestamp 0 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.output_canonical 0 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.output_indent 2 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.output_width 80 PHP_INI_ALL


yaml.decode_binary boolean

Off by default, but can be set to on to cause base64 binary encoded entities which have the explicit tag "tag:yaml.org,2002:binary" to be decoded.

yaml.decode_timestamp integer

Controls the decoding of both implicit and explict "tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp" scalars in the YAML document stream. The default setting of 0 will not apply any decoding. A setting of 1 will use strtotime() to parse the timestamp value as a Unix timestamp. A setting of 2 will use date_create() to parse the timestamp value as DateTime object.

yaml.output_canonical boolean

Off by default, but can be set to on to cause canonical form output.

yaml.output_indent integer

Number of spaces to indent sections. Value should be between 1 and 10.

yaml.output_width integer

Set the preferred line width. -1 means unlimited.

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