
這些函式的行為受 php.ini 的影響。

SQLite 設定選項
名字 預設 可修改範圍 Changelog
sqlite.assoc_case "0" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 5.0.0.
有關 PHP_INI_* 常數進一步的細節與定義參見Where a configuration setting may be set


sqlite.assoc_case int

Whether to use mixed case (0), upper case (1) or lower case (2) hash indexes.

This option is primarily useful when you need compatibility with other database systems, where the names of the columns are always returned as uppercase or lowercase, regardless of the case of the actual field names in the database schema.

The SQLite library returns the column names in their natural case (that matches the case you used in your schema). When sqlite.assoc_case is set to 0 the natural case will be preserved. When it is set to 1 or 2, PHP will apply case folding on the hash keys to upper- or lower-case the keys, respectively.

Use of this option incurs a slight performance penalty, but is MUCH faster than performing the case folding yourself using PHP script.

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