
以下常數由擴充功能定義,因此只有在擴充功能被編譯到 PHP 中,或者在執行時被動態載入後才有效。

OGG/Vorbis supports PCM encodings in the following formats
Constant Definition
OGGVORBIS_PCM_U8 Unsigned 8-bit PCM.
OGGVORBIS_PCM_S8 Signed 8-bit PCM.
OGGVORBIS_PCM_U16_LE Unsigned 16-bit PCM. Little Endian byte order.
OGGVORBIS_PCM_U16_BE Unsigned 16-bit PCM. Big Endian byte order.
OGGVORBIS_PCM_S16_LE Signed 16-bit PCM. Little Endian byte order.
OGGVORBIS_PCM_S16_BE Signed 16-bit PCM. Big Endian byte order.
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