
(PHP 7)


ParseError is thrown when an error occurs while parsing PHP code, such as when eval() is called.

Короткий Огляд Класа

ParseError extends Error {
/* Успадковані методи */
abstract public string Throwable::getMessage ( void )
abstract public int Throwable::getCode ( void )
abstract public string Throwable::getFile ( void )
abstract public int Throwable::getLine ( void )
abstract public array Throwable::getTrace ( void )
abstract public string Throwable::getTraceAsString ( void )
abstract public Throwable Throwable::getPrevious ( void )
abstract public string Throwable::__toString ( void )
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User Contributed Notes 1 note

andrian dot test dot job at gmail dot com
4 years ago
* The function eval() evaluate his argument as an instruction PHP
* Then the argument must respect the standar of PHP codage
* In this example the semicolon are missign


"echo 'toto' echo 'tata'");

ParseError $p){


* If you run this code the result is different of the result of above code
* PHP will output the standar parse Error: syntax error, ....

eval("echo 'toto' echo 'tata'");

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