
(PHP 5, PHP 7)

idateFormat a local time/date as integer


int idate ( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ] )

Returns a number formatted according to the given format string using the given integer timestamp or the current local time if no timestamp is given. In other words, timestamp is optional and defaults to the value of time().

Unlike the function date(), idate() accepts just one char in the format parameter.



The following characters are recognized in the format parameter string
format character Description
B Swatch Beat/Internet Time
d Day of the month
h Hour (12 hour format)
H Hour (24 hour format)
i Minutes
I (uppercase i) returns 1 if DST is activated, 0 otherwise
L (uppercase l) returns 1 for leap year, 0 otherwise
m Month number
s Seconds
t Days in current month
U Seconds since the Unix Epoch - January 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC - this is the same as time()
w Day of the week (0 on Sunday)
W ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
y Year (1 or 2 digits - check note below)
Y Year (4 digits)
z Day of the year
Z Timezone offset in seconds


선택적인 timestamp 인수는 timestamp가 주어지지 않았을 경우, 현재 로컬 시간을 기본값으로 가지는 integer 유닉스 타임스탬프입니다. 즉, 기본값은 time() 값입니다.


Returns an integer.

As idate() always returns an integer and as they can't start with a "0", idate() may return fewer digits than you would expect. See the example below.


모든 날짜/시간 함수 호출은 시간대가 유효하지 않을 때 E_NOTICE를, 시스템 설정이나 TZ 환경 변수를 사용할 때 E_STRICTE_WARNING 메세지를 생성합니다. date_default_timezone_set()을 참고하십시오.


버전 설명

시간대 오류시 E_STRICTE_NOTICE가 발생합니다.


Example #1 idate() example

strtotime('1st January 2004'); //1072915200

// this prints the year in a two digit format
// however, as this would start with a "0", it
// only prints "4"
echo idate('y'$timestamp);


  • date() - 로컬 날짜/시간을 형식화합니다
  • getdate() - 날짜/시간 정보를 가져온다
  • time() - Return current Unix timestamp

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

khaine at herbok dot org
13 years ago
A function that made by idate for print a hour you want:

function hour ( $a, $b )
$timestamp = strtotime(''.$a.':'.$b.':00');
$aa = idate('H', $timestamp);
$bb = idate('i', $timestamp);
$bb=="0") { $cc = "00"; } else { $cc = $bb; }
$dd = $aa.".".$cc;

Why should i use it?
For example:
You have to print 08:00 to 21:00 by 15 minutes periods.
This is a useful code for shipping sites for delivery time.

echo "<select name=\"example\">";
$iii = $ii * 15;
$hour = hour($i, $iii);
"<option value=\"".$hour."\">".$hour."</option>";
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